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We’ve known about the existence of artificial intelligence for many years, but until recently, it wasn’t something we could see in our everyday lives. Yet, barely a day goes by where we don’t hear about the existence and implementation of these technologies – which is likely to be the biggest tech topic of 2023.

In recent years, there has been much discussion about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on various industries and job roles. Although some fear that AI will completely replace humans, it is important to understand that AI itself cannot replace individuals. Instead, it is humans who use AI as a tool that can replace certain tasks or roles. In this article, we will delve deeper into this topic and analyze why AI alone cannot replace humans.


So what is the role of AI? It is basically a tool that augments human capabilities and automates certain tasks. It is designed to assist and enhance human intelligence, rather than acting as a substitute. AI algorithms are developed, trained and deployed by humans who define objectives and constraints. Without human input, AI lacks purpose and context.

Despite significant advances in AI technology, there are limitations to what AI can achieve. While AI excels at performing repetitive and data-driven tasks with speed and accuracy, it lacks the breadth of awareness, creativity, and intuition that humans possess. AI operates within the limits defined by its program and data and cannot go beyond these limits without human intervention.

Rather than replacing humans, AI has the potential to complement and enhance human capabilities. Using AI as a tool, individuals can automate repetitive tasks, access and analyze large amounts of data, and gain insights to make more informed decisions. This collaboration between humans and AI will bring efficiency, productivity and innovation in various industries.

Major technology platform providers are making AI technologies affordable and accessible to businesses. ChatGPT is free and a great way. Playing around With AI – but don’t underestimate the power and opportunity for the technology based on natural language processing. The Microsoft 365 platform includes the newly launched Copilot and several Power Platform tools. Copilot started out being used to improve navigation in Microsoft Edge and uses the ChatGPT programming language, but it expands beyond that by using data from emails, trading systems, chats, etc. and is quickly being integrated into other business tools like Power BI, Business Central, and Teams.

So how can this benefit waste and recycling? This industry has a high volume of transactions, and often involves many systems It is stuck Together with human input. To begin your journey to AI, I suggest starting with Robotic Process Automation (RPA). This is great for automating repetitive tasks using AI technologies – something common in the manager-heavy world or waste and recycling. That ability, with a little technical skill, to automate data processing, send emails, update different systems, highlight errors, just supports business development.

People who use AI effectively will replace people who don’t


A simple example is to match incoming invoices with purchase orders or send your customer a WhatsApp to tell them the ETA of the collection service and allow them to accept or reject this service – updating your system accordingly, all without human input. But this is just the beginning, AI can analyze volumes and at speeds unimaginable by humans. The ability to use multiple data sources, identify trends, and even answer unasked questions is where strategic and strategic decision-making moves to another level. Co-pilot, integrated into TegosSuite – offers a great opportunity to increase business speed.

AI will not replace individuals. However, people who effectively use AI to replace certain tasks or roles will replace people who don’t. AI is a powerful tool that augments human capabilities, automates tasks, and provides valuable insights. However, what cannot be replaced are the unique qualities and abilities possessed by humans, such as critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence. By embracing AI as a tool and leveraging its capabilities, individuals can increase their productivity and decision-making, leading to a more collaborative and efficient future. And, let’s take the title of this piece seriously to reflect on the examples of the demise of Kodak, Blockbuster, Nokia etc., AI will not replace you, the person using AI will replace you!

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