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9The Defense Department is prioritizing ethical issues and cooperation in its approach to developing and deploying military applications of artificial intelligence, a senior Pentagon technology official said June 15.
Michael C., director of the Office of Emerging Capability Policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, said at a panel discussion on developing regulations and expectations for new technologies in Washington. in national security.

Underpinning this commitment, Horowitz said, is a comprehensive set of policy decisions that will guide the development and deployment of autonomous weapons systems, an ethical artificial intelligence strategy, and a responsible artificial intelligence strategy and pathways within the DOD.

The U.S. leadership has developed these principles and is now leading a responsible artificial intelligence policy among international partners.

“For example, if you look at NATO’s principles of ethical AI, they are very similar to the Department of Defense’s principles of ethical AI, and that’s not a coincidence,” Horowitz said. “It reflects a lot of shared values ​​and attitudes about how we think about… when and how we want to use AI.”

The US also took the lead on the international stage in issuing a political statement on responsible military use in February.

We think there is a lot to do to bring the international community together on this issue, so we are now working to get other countries to support a strong set of rules that sets out the principles of what responsible use looks like. “We want to encourage the world to take these issues as seriously as the department does,” Horowitz said. “And looking at our partners and allies, we’re really encouraged by that.”

That commitment to the development of artificial intelligence and openness to policy development around emerging technologies is a way the US can differentiate itself from its global competitors, he said.

All DOD policies around artificial intelligence and emerging technology are publicly available, he said.

“This is in contrast to our U.S. competitors, whose policies are less transparent regarding the development and use of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems,” Horowitz said. “And we think there’s a real difference there.”

At the same time, the U.S. is committed to being at the forefront of emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, Horowitz said.

He said the rapid development of technology has opened up a wide range of applications for artificial intelligence beyond defense. The United States continues to be the “engine of innovation” when it comes to AI.

“The Department of Defense does lots and lots of different experiments using new technologies,” Horowitz said. “And we both want to do it in a way that’s safe and responsible, but we want to do it in a way that allows us to push the cutting edge forward and get access to new technologies that the department needs to move forward.”
