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London – Are computers getting too smart for their own good? Most of the public seems to think so. More than seven in 10 people want stricter laws to slow the rise of artificial intelligence. The survey of 2,000 people in the UK shows public anxiety over the rise of robotic technology and machine learning apps such as ChatGPT.

According to 39 percent of the poll, governments are most responsible for ensuring that this technology does not become too powerful – more than those who create AI (35%). While the impact of advanced robotics is somewhat negative, there is growing acceptance that it will one day replace many workers.

In fact, 63 percent say that within 50 years, many of the jobs currently performed by humans will inevitably be taken over by robots.

“The growth of AI is well documented and certainly doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon,” a spokesperson for OnePoll, which conducted the study, said in a statement.

“From apps on your phone to self-driving cars, the impact on humanity seems to go in one direction. Discussions about where we can help – or where we cross the line in relation to work and life – are only natural conversations.

Robot financial advisor on computer
(© tiagozr –

Adults are most reluctant to have AI work for them: surgeon (25%) and judge (20%). Other jobs where people don’t want to see Terminator-style surveillance include teaching (18%) and making government policy (18%).

However, more than two-thirds (69%) of adults believe people will learn to live with and adapt to AI – just as we have done with other forms of cognitive technology. Currently, only 14 percent of those polled accept using AI in their personal lives, and 23 percent consider using it.

Information technology roles (36%), engineering and manufacturing (31%) and accounting, banking and finance (24%) are the industries most likely to replace human workers with machines.

A OnePoll spokesperson added: “As a society, we are in the early stages of discovering what role AI will play in our society. “Our figures show that only a small percentage of the population has tried to use AI, which may explain why there are negative feelings towards the technology. In a year or two, as the influence of AI grows, attitudes may be very different.

Top jobs that humans don’t want AI to do:

  1. Surgeon
  2. Judges
  3. Tooth removal
  4. Teachers
  5. Decision makers in government
  6. Flying commercial planes
  7. Psychologist
  8. Comedian
  9. Marriage counseling
  10. Professional athletes
  11. Fighting in war
  12. Chef
  13. Driving public transport
  14. Lawyers
  15. Artists

Southwest News Service Writer Charlie Bayliss contributed to this report.

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