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As Mother’s Day was celebrated in the country yesterday, several Bollywood celebrities were seen paying tribute to their mothers and mothers-in-law. Priyanka Chopra’s husband Nick Jonas took to his IG handle earlier today (May 14 evening, Pacific Daylight Time) to wish his mother and mother-in-law a happy Mother’s Day.

Taking to IG Stories, Nick First he posted a photo with his mother Dennis Miller-Jonas wrote, “Happy Mother’s Day Mom. I love you so much.” He then posted a caption with his mother-in-law Madhu Chopra saying, “Happy Mother’s Day to an incredible mother-in-law.” Madhu also tagged on the same and added, “I love you.” Earlier, Madhu Chopra shared a photo montage with the entire family including her brother Priyanka. Siddharth, Nick and grandson Malti. She captioned it, “My world.”


Earlier yesterday, PC had taken to her IG handle to share a photo of herself, her mother and her daughter Multi. She also wrote a long note and said, “I am so blessed to have always known a mother’s love. My mother is the strongest woman I have ever known. So was her mother. I come from a lineage of women. Warriors and I were blessed by many growing up. My mother, my aunts, my grandmothers. Thank you Ma, you are the greatest in my life.” You are a gift. I couldn’t be more thankful that you are mine!”

She continued, “Also thank you Denise for raising such a special child and for all the love you give to our family. I am so blessed.”
And…I love you, Malti Marie. Thank you for making me a mother. It is the greatest honor of my life that you chose me. ❤️🙏🏽🥹 #HappyMothersDay everyone ❤️”

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