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A sign of rust near the firing point
Photo: Sam Wasson (Getty Images)

Prosecutors in Rust Shooting case They filed an official complaint. armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reid She loaded Alec Baldwin’s gun on the set of an indie film while “probably” suffering from a hangover that morning. Thinking the gun had no live rounds in the chamber, Baldwin fired the weapon, killing cinematographer Halaina Hutchinson.

“The defendant shot Gutierrez while filming a shooting scene with other cast and crew members, at one point inserting a live-action gun she knew the actor would use.” The record explains. “Involuntary manslaughter is designed for this type of situation. Defendant Gutierrez has a history of acts of violence that have resulted in loss of life, and it is in the public interest that she be ultimately held accountable.

In what Gutierrez’s legal counsel described as “character assassination,” prosecutors alleged that Gutierrez-Reid was “drinking heavily and smoking marijuana” while preparing. RustAn example of the “reckless” behavior that led to Hutchison’s death. Responding to the trooper’s motion to dismiss, prosecutors said, “All Defendant Gutierrez had to do was shake each bullet and make sure it went down before putting it in the gun—she failed and she killed someone,” attributing the night’s alcohol-fueled crash. before.

In his statement IndiewireThe defense denied these allegations. “The prosecution mishandled this case and the case is so weak that they are now turning to character assassination tactics to further pollute the jury pool,” Jason Bowels said. “This investigation and prosecution was not about seeking justice; it was about finding a convenient scapegoat for them.”

The lawsuit against actor Alec Baldwin was dropped in April, and for a while it looked like Gutierrez-Reid’s would be too. She pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.
