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It is a rising star that has recently caught the attention and admiration of Korean netizens. Solomon Parka Korean actor of Uzbek descent.

With his undeniable beauty, unique acting skills, and unique story, Park Solomon has quickly become a favorite among Korean audiences, sparking excitement and support in various online communities.

Park Solomon gained recognition for his popular Netflix series.We are all dead. He played the role of Lee Soo Hyuk and won the hearts of fans.

Especially because he was born into a family of Korean descent living in Uzbekistan, Park Solomon’s unique story has attracted many Korean networks.

Since his ‘We’re All Dead’ fame, there has been much speculation about Park Solomon’s origins, nationality and family information.

Park Solomon said in a recent interview that he was born in Uzbekistan but is from a family of Korean descent. He shared.”It is true that I am a native of Uzbekistan, but I am of Korean descent. So I’m Korean. I went to elementary, middle, and high school in Korea, so I didn’t feel any different. “I am just grateful to the people of Uzbekistan, where I was born, for showing great interest and support to me.”

Korean netizens commented,Oh wow, he has a good look, “If he’s a Korean-man, then that’s the same as being Korean” “He’s Korean” “He’s just a Korean of Uzbek origin. That’s basically Korean, “He’s so handsome.” and “Please make some romcom movie.
