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SALT LAKE CITY — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced five cases of malaria in the U.S. on Tuesday, but what does that mean for Utahns?

The CDC says the four cases in Florida and the case in Texas are the first cases of the parasite entering the U.S. in 20 years.

Only three out of thousands of mosquitoes can carry malaria, said Michelle Rehbein of the Salt Lake City Abatement District. The species lives in Utah; However, there are not too many of them, she said.

“The Anopheles mosquitoes that we have collected locally do not transmit malaria, so it does not spread in the wild population,” he said.

Specialists in the abatement district say the chances of Utahns contracting malaria are slim because of where infected mosquitoes live.

“The infected mosquitoes have to travel a long way to get to Utah, and that’s not going to happen,” Rehbein explained.

But what if Utahns travel to areas with malaria? That’s where the danger lies, said Greg White, assistant director of the Salt Lake City Improvement District.

“Malaria is very widespread in the tropical regions of the world, so it is in Africa, in Asia, it is in South America,” he said.

That’s where the real danger lies if a Utahn travels to these places, White said.

“Before you go there, they will give you the right medicine to take both to prevent and stop any infection like malaria,” he said.

Still, it’s still troubling that cases are showing up in the U.S. so many years later, White said. “Malaria was a big part of the United States from its inception until the 1950s when we got it under control, and it’s still a big problem in Africa.”

The district does not test for malaria, but they have methods to track the location of the species.

“We can identify if we need to take any preventive measures,” Rehbein explained. “No need to panic.”

“I don’t think malaria is going to be a problem here in Utah,” White added.

Regarding mosquitoes in 2023, the district said they are getting more distress calls this year compared to last year. Mosquito numbers are slightly worse and everyone is urged to avoid standing water.

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