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By Carl Vaagenes, CEO of Alomere Health

In January of 2022, I had to undergo spine surgery with a local neurosurgeon after struggling with debilitating back pain. My own experience and journey to recovery was one that required that I have faith and confidence to trust the local team of health care professionals, while needing to have personal patience and commitment to be a part of the team and do what I was being told to do in order to get the best results.

I was grateful to have the local team from physical therapy, imaging, nursing, technicians, assisting in my overall care, along with several physicians collaborating in evaluating and treating my symptoms. Although I ultimately needed surgery, the knowledge I gained throughout the journey was invaluable in helping to prevent future injury. It was reassuring, and helped establish trust and confidence, knowing I had a team of several different professional disciplines working together to help find a solution.

Having a strong relationship with your health care team is essential at all stages of life, from infancy to old age. We call it a health care team because that is what it is. No longer is it just a relationship with a trusted physician. You have an entire team of medical professionals at your side.

This team is comprised of your provider, nursing, lab, technicians, pharmacy, specialists, family, friends, and most importantly, you. It is important to have a trusted team of healthcare providers who understand your individual medical history and work together to provide guidance on maintaining good health, and remains there to help you through health, illness and injury.

A trusting relationship between you and your healthcare providers is the foundation for effective communication and collaboration. By taking a more active role in your health and develop a trusting relationship with your healthcare team, you become more comfortable sharing vital information about your symptoms, medical history, and concerns.

This enables healthcare providers to make accurate diagnoses, develop appropriate treatment plans, and provide personalized care tailored to your specific needs. Moreover, trust enables you to ask questions and seek clarification, leading to a better understanding of your conditions and treatment options.

When you have a trusting relationship with your healthcare team, you are more likely to feel satisfied with the care you receive. The feeling of being valued, respected, and listened to, results in an overall positive experience.

Trusting relationships foster a sense of compassion and empathy, allowing healthcare providers to address your emotional and psychological needs alongside your physical health. People who trust their healthcare providers are also more likely to adhere to treatment plans and follow medical advice. Understanding that your healthcare team has your best interests at heart encourages you to take an active role in managing your health, leading to improved outcomes and overall wellness.

A trusted healthcare team of providers who understand your medical history and can provide guidance on maintaining good health is invaluable. Regular visits with your health care team, such as child wellness visits, annual immunizations, annual physicals, and Medicare wellness checks, can help prevent disease, identify health risks early on, and ensure that you receive appropriate preventive care. By fostering a strong doctor-patient relationship, you can feel confident in your healthcare decisions and have peace of mind knowing that your health is in good hands.

Carl Vaagenes is the CEO of Alomere Health in Alexandria. In the Know is a rotating column written by community leaders from the Douglas County area.
