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  • Jennifer Garner shares everything she eats in a day.
  • The 51-year-old’s favorite foods are simple and fresh.
  • She also shared a food she hates and a dessert she likes.

Acting may be Jennifer Garner’s passion, but good food is a close second. That’s why she started her organic snack company once on a farm, and why she’s occasionally caught in the kitchen filming what she calls a “cooking show” on Instagram. Day to day, though, Garner leads a pretty busy life, which keeps her regular breakfasts, lunches, and dinners simple and fresh. In the new “What I eat in a day” video Harper’s BazaarGarner talks about her diet and what foods she currently has on rotation.

She eats the same breakfast every morning.

“My standard breakfast is coffee and more coffee,” Garner joked. She says she takes it black but occasionally wants an almond milk cappuccino. As for what you eat in the morning, The last thing he told me Starr whips up a whole-fat yogurt parfait with nuts and berries—her current breakfast fix, which changes every few years.

Her favorite midday snack is a classic.

Of course, Garner couldn’t help but try to grab a quick bite once on the farm. But a real favorite snack for the star is an apple with peanut butter – but the apple must be cut. “I always have an apple,” she said. “I prefer it cut. Otherwise, it’s a disaster if you have lipstick. So I cut it up and put it back together like a puzzle, and I’ve been sticking it in my purse.

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Lunch is always a big seasonal salad.

Who doesn’t love a good salad? Her choices are a mix of green arugula and dark leafy greens, fresh from her (very impressive) garden – broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, green beans or sugar snap peas. Cheese, nuts, sweet potatoes, and “maybe a little brown rice,” she said, go up.

For dinner, she has “mom’s food.”

It’s unclear exactly what she meant, but Garner said she often had “mom’s food” for dinner. “I don’t consider myself a good cook or baker,” she added. I also don’t have the gift of doing anything,” she added. But I love to cook and bake for the people I love. It’s a gift to be a mother, you can train your children’s palettes.”

With that being said, Garner “leans heavily” on the Barefoot Contessa, aka Ina Garten, for recipes—especially things like roasted vegetables, bread, and salmon. “Anything I do well is because of Ina,” Garner said.

She is “re-examining” her relationship with alcohol.

Especially post-pandemic, when most people are “having a little more fun than usual,” Garner says, and the actress is making a conscious effort to take it a step further when she limits herself to a single glass of wine with dinner. “I think the more you come out about alcohol, the more I’m examining my relationship with alcohol. “And the older I get, the more I want to keep my sanity.”

(Recent studies show that even moderate drinking can pose long-term health risks, and a 2022 study found that no alcohol is good for your heart — so you might be on to something.)

You won’t love this salty favorite.

According to the 51-year-old, the one food she dislikes is olives of any kind. “Please don’t bring them. Don’t put them in the fridge. I’m not interested,” she laughed.

She likes sweet food.

But she always wants ice cream covered in her own homemade chocolate “magic” crust.

“When you make it yourself, you can compare how much milk chocolate you want to dark chocolate. I can’t,” she said.

We have to get this homemade recipe!

Headshot of Kayla Blanton

Kayla Blanton is a freelance writer who reports on all things health and nutrition for Men’s Health, Women’s Health and Prevention. Her hobbies include drinking coffee incessantly and pretending to be a Chopped contestant while cooking.
