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Back pain is the leading cause of disability in the world, according to the National Institutes of Health. Your aching spine might also be an indication of a larger, more serious problem called Skeletal Degeneration Syndrome (SDS).

“Everyone has suffered, is now suffering or will eventually suffer some type of SDS pain,” clinical research director, Michael Halliday of Orem-based Upright Spine Solutions says. “Our spines are a dazzling example of biomechanical brilliance, ready to be restored and protected, at any age.”

Unlike traditional spine treatments that offer only short-term relief, Halliday and his team of medical professionals have spent the past 40 years investigating better ways to manage spine issues. Whether you’re experiencing acute pain right now, or suffer from recurring pain that sends you searching for yet another treatment method, you’ll want to give the Uprightly Spine Care Program a try.

Through the highly effective and innovative Uprightly Spine Care Program, you can soothe, heal, rebuild, and protect your damaged spine and discs.

Symptoms or conditions the Uprightly Program solves

“People with any type of spine or musculoskeletal complaints should investigate if Uprightly is right for them… especially those who’ve lost hope, tried everything else, and haven’t found a lasting solution,” says CEO and co-founder Steven Halliday.

Researchers have linked 46 different orthopedic conditions to SDS and because the Uprightly Program is natural and safe, most anyone can find lasting benefits.

How the Uprightly Program works

The Uprightly Program is not a temporary patch job or passing fad. It’s also not a chiropractic or physical therapy service. It’s highly unique in that instead of temporarily masking your pain, it empowers you with new spine knowledge and skills along with specialized tools and equipment to take control of your symptoms and overall spine health, all in the comfort of your own home.

Participants are guided by a licensed spine coach virtually, accompanied with a series of master class videos to help you learn how to live A Spine-Healthy Life™. The program is intended to be completed within six weeks and maintained over a lifetime.

Utah orthopedic spine experts develop better, lasting solutions for back and neck pain
Photo: Upright Spine Solutions

Developed and clinically proven by health professionals and scientists, the Uprightly Program proves how it’s now possible to heal common back and neck complaints without invasive, costly, or addictive intervention. Clinical trials revealed that 93% of compliant participants are fully satisfied with the program’s sustained results.

NBA success story

A well-known NBA player developed low-level back pain that was diagnosed as advanced disc degeneration. He was placed on the injured reserve list for the remainder of that season.

After learning about Upright’s research, he began his therapy program. He received instruction and a special exercise device that allowed him to specifically exercise and stimulate each of the involved disc levels. He found the activity to eliminate his back pain and restore normal function. The device was placed in the player’s locker room, gym, home, and even on the team plane.

The surprise came during the next pre-season physical exam. MRI imaging revealed that the discs had mostly healed and increased in height. This allowed him to play through the rest of his successful career.

Broad scientific foundation

Halliday’s research team has identified six major medical discoveries and 25 supportive spine care discoveries that revolutionize the way mechanical spine conditions are assessed and managed. These discoveries have unlocked important doors for helping spine sufferers reclaim a healthier spine in a real and lasting way.

How much does it cost?

The Uprightly Program plans start at only $150. When you tally up what the average adult spends in the U.S. for spine pain, this is a significantly more affordable and effective option to get your spine healthier and happier, granting you a high-functioning life. HSA dollars are an acceptable form of payment too.

What it includes

Enrolled members gain all of the following items:

  • Annual online membership
  • 10 master class videos
  • Self-care video library
  • Unlimited virtual coaching sessions
  • In-home spine exercise equipment
  • Medical ice bag & starter kit
  • 10% discount on custom-orthopedic products.

Book a free consultation

The program starts at just $150 and includes access to a full self-care video library, unlimited virtual coaching sessions, in-home spine exercise equipment and more. If you’d like to learn more, you can book a free consultation with no commitment required. Visit in person at 812 S State Street in Orem or go to to get started.

Utah orthopedic spine experts develop better, lasting solutions for back and neck pain

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