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Looks like Matt Damon In July, you decided to celebrate your child’s work day.

On Tuesday, the “Good Will Hunting” star appeared with three of his four daughters on the red carpet at the Paris premiere of his new film, “Oppenheimer.”

Damon beamed with pride as he wrapped his arms around Stella, 12, in a black mini dress, and Gia, 14, in a long white dress. Alexia Barroso, 24, Damon’s stepdaughter, wore a simple black dress with bows on the straps.

Two unidentified guests, Stella Damon, Matt Damon, Gia Damon, Alexia Barroso and another guest at the “Oppenheimer” premiere.

Pierre Sue via Getty Images

It is unclear if Damon’s wife, Luciana Barroso, or his other daughter, Isabella, 17, attended the premiere. They were not photographed on the red carpet.

The family and guests appeared together on the red carpet for the new movie.
The family and guests appeared together on the red carpet for the new movie.

Pierre Sue via Getty Images

Although it’s rare to see photos of Damon’s daughters, they also accompanied their father on the set of his movie “Air” in March. During this premiere, Luciana Barroso and Isabella were photographed with Alexia, Stella and Matt Damon.

Luciana Barroso with Isabella, Stella, Gia and Matt Damon at the premiere of “Air” in March.

Albert L. Ortega via Getty Images

In the year In 2019, Damon proved that his love for the girls is eternal All four have their names tattooed On the right upper arm. Their name appears to be close to the previous “Lucy” tattoo, which was already in honor of Luciana.

Damon told Access Hollywood: “My wife was like, ‘We’re going to get a tattoo today,’ so I got her name tattooed.” His body art. “And I always felt lonely, and I always wanted to put the kids up there.”

He added, “So now, I’ve got the kids out there, and now I have to figure out a way to put it all together.

Might we suggest he ties it all up with a “Ben” tattoo? But only the name – and not a huge phoenix on the back.


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