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Kevin Feige

Kevin Feige
Photo: Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney

What would Ronald McDonald say if he thought people were tired of eating hamburgers? Could it be other than that? His whole life is dedicated to selling hamburgers, so why bully their future? For him, it is important that people still not only buy hamburgers, but also believe in them He He’s still invested in Hamburger’s future.

Anyway, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige recently appeared on Jason E. Squires Film Business Podcast (Through Difference), and as you can probably imagine, Ronald McDonald feels the same way about the future of superhero movies as he does about the future of hamburgers. Feige says that, since “Marvel’s sophomore year,” people have asked him if he thinks comic book movies are a “fad” and if their popularity will last much longer, and he’s understandably optimistic.

I don’t really understand the question. Because to me, after ‘Gone with the Wind’, I thought, ‘Well, how many more movies can be made with novels? Do you think the audience will be upset because movies are adapted from books?’ You never ask that because there is an innate understanding among most people that a book can be anything. A novel can have any story. So it all depends on the story you interpret. Non-comics readers don’t understand that it’s the same thing in comics.

There’s a bit of snobbery to his response, because most comic book movies ever made are superhero movies, and not every movie based on a novel is an epic Civil War romance, but it is. Technically correct. There are other kinds of stories that people can tell with comic book adaptations, but again, “comic book movie” and “superhero movie” are very similar.

Feige went on to say that Marvel has “more than 80 years of fun, emotional, inspiring stories” in comics, and all of them have the potential to be adapted, so it’s just a matter of doing different genres and making different kinds of movies. as needed. After all these years of Marvel movies, he believes that audiences will stay with them as long as they have “the Marvel Studios logo above the title and the seed of an idea from our publishing history.”

But again… this time he’s doing superhero movies. Perhaps the argument would carry more weight if Marvel Studios started making a rom-com based on a pre-Hellcat Patsy Walker or a true one. Tomb of Dracula Horror movies with no Blades or Morbies in sight. Either way, it’s good to know that a superhero movie is made by someone. He still loves superhero movies.

