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Ozympic, a diabetes drug, has attracted the attention of celebrities, social media influencers and the public as an off-label treatment for obesity and weight loss. Now, a new nutritional supplement has taken over social media platforms like TikTok for the same qualities.

Dubbed “Natural Ozympic”, berberine is considered a cheaper and more accessible alternative to the popular drug.

Like Ozympic, berberine is commonly used to lower blood glucose levels in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Herbal remedies can be used for nervous, metabolic and cardiovascular problems. Derived from Chinese medicine And like plants Caplis chinensis. Ozempic must be prescribed by a doctor; It can cost more than 900 dollars. rather than Berberine can be purchased free of charge At a low price of $10 – meaning anyone can grab the extra.

Savannah Crosby, 34, from Texas, uploaded her berberine experience on TikTok, adding weekly updates detailing her weight loss and the supplement’s side effects. Since her upload, her videos have reached over 1 million views, with other users commenting on similar experiences.

Crosby, who had been taking berberine for eight weeks, began taking the supplement to treat insulin resistance and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Just as they shared on TikTok that Ozempic was out of their price range, she switched to Berberine, hoping for similar results.

Side effects shared by Crosby include headache, constipation and diarrhea Similar to Ozempic. However, long-term use can affect gut health and increase metabolic diseases.

Although berberine is used Improve glucose control and insulin resistanceThe supplement is not approved for use in the United States to treat symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, doctors caution that just because a product is considered “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe.

We asked experts about whether berberine should be used for weight loss, the risks associated with appetite suppressants, and what you should know before trying the popular supplement:

How to make berberine

The metabolic system enables reproduction through reactions in the body that provide movement, growth, development and energy. Most people with metabolic syndrome have insulin resistance, which makes it so More difficult for cells to respond to insulin. As a result, blood sugar levels increase, which increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

It is called berberine Activate glucose activityIt can improve insulin secretion and sensitivity in humans, says Dr. Ananth Vinjamori, chief medical officer. Modern eraHe told HuffPost.

“Berberine works at the molecular level by subtly blocking the efficiency of the mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cells,” Vinjamori said. “In turn, your body not only increases insulin sensitivity, but activates a pathway that helps produce more mitochondria. This approach can be compared to running with weights.

However, the use of berberine for weight loss is limited and it is not approved as a weight loss supplement in the US.Not only that, but experts are not even sure that berberine has a meaningful effect. To compare the supplement, Metformin, a different anti-diabetic drug used to lower blood sugar levels, has been cited for similar weight loss properties.

“The best guess we can make about berberine’s weight-loss potential comes from the same compound metformin,” Vinjamori said. “Metformin has only been shown to reduce weight by 3 to 5%.”

Risks of herbal supplements

Berberine has been used as an antibacterial drug to treat bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, which is common in people with IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. As a result, the supplement provides a short period of time to stop bacterial growth. However, taking Berberi for one to two weeks It does more harm than good, says functional nutritionist Heather Munnelly.

“Long-term use of berberine is known to have a negative effect on microbiology,” Munley said. “In other words, berberine kills your probiotics and allows pathogens to thrive.”

A typical dose of berberine is 250 to 500 mg two to three times a day. Side effects In addition, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal cramps and gas.

In general, restricting your appetite can cause health problems, including liver damage. Additionally, people on TikTok have reported stomach aches after using berberine as a weight loss supplement.

“The funny thing about this is that people use berberine to lose weight,” Munley said. “However, berberine is an effective herbal antibiotic, which means it kills the probiotics in your gut. This leads to reduced microbial diversity associated with weight gain, obesity and metabolic disorders. None of these things support the goal of weight loss, on the contrary, especially in the long term. If time is used.

Who should not take Berberi?

Many experts do not recommend taking berberine without first talking to a doctor. Additionally, there are certain groups of people who may be more susceptible to the negative effects of the supplement. These include:

Pregnant people

Nika Kanani, a naturopathic physician at Newport Integrative Health, told HuffPost that berberine should not be taken if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Taking berberine during pregnancy increases the risk of kernicterusNeurological diseases of children; When there is an increase in bilirubin in the baby’s body and yellow color.

People taking other prescribed medications

If you are currently taking any prescription medications, be sure to talk to your doctor before taking a berberine supplement.

Berberine has the ability to rapidly break down enzymes, so it can reduce its effects. Certain medications. With sedatives, berberine can cause insomnia and breathing problems.

You should be careful about taking berberine with other diabetes medications, such as metformin, which can increase side effects. Also, blood sugar levels can be very low.

Bottom line: Do not turn to berberine for weight loss without talking to your doctor

If you are a diabetic or someone who is at risk of developing diabetes, it is important to understand the potential risks if you are interested in taking berberine.

“As always, I recommend talking to your doctor to make sure berberine is the right supplement for you,” Kanani says. “Just because it’s naturally occurring doesn’t mean it’s safe for everyone.”

There may be a deeper issue for people who turn to supplements to lose weight because diet and exercise don’t work, Munley said. Struggling with weight fluctuations can be the result of chronic stress, conditions like hyperthyroidism, or imbalances in hormones including PCOS.

“If you’re struggling to lose weight through diet and exercise, consider that there may be a deeper issue,” Munley said. “Gut microbiome, toxins, blood sugar balance and many other factors play into the picture of how much weight a person carries, and optimizing your weight is much more complicated than popping a pill, as influencers would have you believe.
