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Mortal Kombat 1

Let’s get this out of the way first: they just announced Mortal Kombat game today, and tonight for a very simple reason suddenly a hit Headache straight through Through our mindWB Games and NetRealm Studios they have They chose to call this new video game—the 12th(ish) title in this long-running series—Mortal Kombat 1.

Mortal Kombat 1 – Official Trailer

Yes, there is a headache. God is behind us. eye

See, they couldn’t do the usual “back to basics” naming convention with this one and just call it that. Mortal Kombat– an annoying but basically acceptable move at this point – because they already did it in 2011 for the ninth game in a row. (Were we too young?) So instead, they’re hinting that this game might be a shocking reboot to the French chronology – because of the time-honored ending. Mortal Kombat 11– stating that Mortal Kombat 1. Which, to be fair, is a title the series has never used before, because you don’t refer to things as “So and So 1” when you only get one of them.

So that’s good.

Anyway other The thing about this trailer is that it’s clearly determined to be true. Mortal Kombat– donkey trailer; Liu Kang, the new god of truth, can speak a lot about peace and friendship and stability. Here, however, things go quickly The real, gory mess after the mortal conflict begins to unravel. Heads explode, throats are cut, a man falls, as Unzipped.Despite the lack of gameplay footage, Netherrealm clearly wants us to know that the body count is up to series standards *laugh*. Mortal Kombat 1 When it hits consoles on September 19th.
