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When Apple unveiled the iPad 10th generation, it included the original Apple Pencil, the only tablet that still uses this stylus. But a new rumor suggests that the company may have had a different smart stylus up its sleeve that would have worked with the iPhone as well as the iPad, but scrapped the idea even after a million of them had been produced.

According to the leaker DuanRuia report on has claimed that Apple would release a new Apple Pencil in September, along with the iPhone 14. This would be the first time that a stylus would be mentioned along with an Apple iPhone because the generation current first and second-generation Apple Pencils only work with iPads — though iPhone compatibility has been rumored in the past.

This new stylus would be called Maker, according to DuanRui, which could be a typo for Marker, a more likely name, I’d say.

This stylus would be much cheaper than the current Apple Pencil models, retailing for $49. For this price, pressure sensing on current models will be removed, as will a battery. Instead, it would draw the power needed to run it from the iPad it was typing on. Some models of the S-Pen, Samsung’s smart stylus, also use this technology.

The announcer goes on to say that the new stylus would also have worked with the iPhone, which is why it’s slated to launch alongside the iPhone 14.

Well, as we know, no such launch happened. One of the 10 criticismsth-General iPad is that the connection of the first generation Apple Pencil is not elegant, it requires a charging cable and adapter, so the Pencil with its Lightning connector can be connected to the iPad which uses a USB-C plug.

Intriguingly, the source insists that something very un-Apple happened: the product had reached production, with more than a million being produced before the product was cancelled. These products should now be removed, the whistleblower says.

How likely is all this?

Well, a new, more affordable stylus would go very well with the new iPad, and the prospect of a Pencil for the iPhone is long overdue. The stripped-down version would be a good fit, with users perhaps wanting to take notes on the screen – something very popular on Samsung Galaxy phones with the S-Pen – rather than advanced drawing apps on the iPad, for example.

But I have two major reservations about this rumor.

First, as mentioned above, it’s simply not Apple to cancel a product so late in the day. Even AirPower’s much-mourned charging pad, which made it to the announcement stage, was canceled before it reached mass production.

Second, it’s the supply chain that can’t keep a secret, so if this product were to be produced, I believe we would have seen leaked images of it by now.

Unless, that is, it looks like the original Pencil. It wouldn’t look like the second-gen model because it wouldn’t need a flat edge for pairing or charging.

There was a rumor of a smaller Pencil designed for smaller tablets, so perhaps this new report plays to that.

Overall, I don’t buy this rumor at all, but I like the sound of it. A cheaper pencil with iPhone compatibility is certainly intriguing. Who knows, maybe Apple built these pens and instead of destroying them, saved them for another time.

