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The merits of active and passive investing have been debated for years, with active stock funds outperforming their passive counterparts by an average of 35 percent in the 12 months to June this year, according to Morningstar’s Active/Passive Barometer, which tracks the performance of 30,000. European-based funds have €7 trillion (£6 trillion) in assets.

Active and passive. The differences

An active fund allocates capital with the goal of outperforming an underlying index. This can be achieved by properly investing in constituents of the underlying index that are increasing in value while avoiding those that are decreasing.

A passive fund, on the other hand, simply tracks an index rather than selecting individual stocks or bonds. They do not try to surpass the index they are following. they aim to match it.


There are two aspects of fees to consider when choosing investment managers. It starts with the clear cost of running the fund, which is represented by the manager’s annual management charge (AMC) and other ongoing charges for operating the fund, which should be included in the ongoing charges (OCF).

It is also important to consider any indirect or hidden costs of implementing an investment strategy, such as transaction costs, taxes and other fees. These costs are expected to increase as portfolio turnover increases and will also be affected by the liquidity underlying the fund’s investments.

The extra time and resources required to determine which parts of the underlying index are overweight/underweight or not at all ultimately costs time and capital. Therefore, actively managed funds tend to incur higher annual management fees (AMF) and ongoing management fees (OCF) than passive funds.

It is the passive managers who have the advantage when it comes to open costs. Passive managers’ AMCs are typically lower than active managers’. The downward pressure on fees in recent years has made it possible to find passive UK equity funds with AMCs below 10bps. Because of the market cap weighting these funds imply, passive managers also have an advantage here in terms of indirect costs. When the market price of individual equity rises, it automatically receives a greater weighting in the passive portfolio, eliminating the need for any trading. It is theoretically possible for passive fund managers to trade only when corporate actions, indices or inflows and outflows from the funds require them to do so; this greatly reduces the need to do their daily trading.

When to use passive investing?

The question then becomes how and to what extent passive investing should be used in a portfolio if you believe it has a role to play.

Is passive management better suited to certain asset classes than active management?

There is a wide range of views among financial advisors. According to select wealth managers, passive management makes more sense in some markets than others. A balanced portfolio can contain both active and passive strategies.

Market characteristics can influence the desirability of active management. Active management may be effective in some markets where prices are inefficient if the active manager makes the right decisions. However, the scope of active management may be limited in other markets, and the additional hurdle of active fees may be a worthwhile price to pay.

Market characteristics

In broad markets with high levels of liquidity, high analyst coverage and low transaction costs, passive management may be the best approach.

Investments in equity capital. The developed markets of the US and Europe are best suited to passive management, with the UK falling behind slightly due to stamp duty and the narrow breadth of this market. The top 30 stocks in the UK index account for around 74% of market capitalisation. Due to reduced liquidity, higher trading costs and reduced analyst coverage in small caps and emerging markets, passive management will be least suitable for these markets.

Government bonds, the most liquid of which are US Treasuries, are the best choice for passive management. In addition to traditional government bonds, index-linked bonds are also suitable for passive indexing, although indexes do not have the breadth of traditional government bonds.

Although liquidity has decreased somewhat in recent years, corporate bond markets are somewhat suitable for passive management. Emerging market debt and high yield debt are rarely available passively. Markets in these sectors are inherently illiquid and difficult to track, leading to the potential for tracking errors and tracking costs, making them difficult to passively manage.


Investing in actively managed funds is still a popular choice, especially when the managers have demonstrated their ability to add value to the account despite the additional fees borne by investors. Active managers can deliver higher performance than passive managers, but due diligence is needed to find managers with a solid process and proven track record.

Passive management makes sense, especially for those trying to cut costs. While passive investing isn’t right for everyone, certain asset classes can benefit from passive investing.

Consider hybrid portfolios that use passive and active managers together. Active management can be used where pricing is still less efficient to take advantage of passive management in areas where it is most suitable.

Whether to invest in active funds or passive funds is obviously a matter for you to decide, or you can seek professional help from a regulated advisor.

This article is not personal advice and is for informational purposes only. If you are unsure whether an investment is right for you, please consult. The value of the investment and the income from it may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount originally invested.

