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Killiaro cannot change the whole world. But we can make the Internet a better place,” says the founder.


We are in a critical period that will define our century.
We are currently improving the way we live, do business and innovate.

Climate issues, mental illness, dictatorships are just some of the hot topics the world is currently working on for a brighter future.

The last great invention of humanity is the Internet, which has given us wonderful opportunities. It has allowed us to get to know other cultures and freely discuss our differences, along with alternative solutions and ways of thinking.

However, I consider the internet a poisoned chalice. It gives us wonderful gifts, but there are also terrible problems with the Internet that we need to fix.

It’s sad that so much of the internet is filled with hate, fear, unrealistic representations of life, and meaningless content. And if future generations aren’t going to drown in it, it’s up to us now to develop alternative solutions that foster creativity and development.

We are all painfully aware of how easily the younger generation can waste hours on endless scrolling through social media and how much it drains their brains. This is a dark reality for us humans that has crept more and more into our daily lives in recent years.

We’re in a time where we’re trying to redefine the internet. That’s why I’m passionate about our business idea, which I believe actually does something good for humanity.

We designed Killiaro to be a place where you have your own memories and your true friends, free from all that addictive noise and nonsense.

We are not in the business of alternative energy solutions or space exploration, but I believe we are doing our part for a better future.

/Arian BahramiCPO and Co-Founder Killiaro,c3672521,c3117427

(c) 2022 All rights reserved, source Press releases – English

