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New Delhi,UPDATED. 2023 July 15, 22:21 IST

By Srimoye ChowdhuryAfter the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, things are quite complicated. This is the only country in the world where girls are not allowed to attend secondary school.

Hundreds of thousands of teenage girls have been banned from attending classes, according to a Reuters report, even as the UN’s children’s agency renewed calls for teenage girls to rejoin.

Amidst the tense situation, a video of a young Afghan girl explaining to her father why girls should go to school has gone viral. It shows that the girl is boldly pointing out the need for girls’ education.

In this inspiring video, an Afghan father jokingly tells his daughter that school is only for boys. But this remarkable girl responds with wisdom and conviction, insisting that education is for everyone, regardless of gender. Her arguments are a poignant reminder that education is a fundamental right that should be available to all Afghan girls,” the caption reads.

“Unfortunately, Afghan girls have been denied access to schools and universities for more than a year. Education is a fundamental human right, and denying Afghan girls the right to education hinders not only their personal growth, but the progress of the nation as a whole,” he added.

The post also clarified that the video was not made to discourage girls from studying.

“To clear up any confusion, it’s important to understand that the father’s taunts were meant lightly, and he himself is a dedicated advocate of girls’ education. He playfully engaged his daughter to give her an opportunity to convey an important message. In the full video, the father clarifies that the teasing was in good fun and reassures his daughter of his full support for her education, promising to admit her to school,” it further clarifies.


The video has garnered over 17,000 likes and counting. People praised the little girl’s bravery in the comments section.

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