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Welcome back to Chapter 17! After two episodes where everyone thought Jane’s cheating was NBD, our Orange County girls are starting to turn on their new housewife/yoga enthusiast. Gina and Tamra are the ones spreading this anti-Jane propaganda.

Forgive me for sounding like a renegade fan, but I really don’t understand this tactic of discrediting Jane. It would be one thing if we saw Jane’s marriage to her ex-husband Will fall apart in real time, or how she had it. From an audience perspective, he’s literally a guy who lives 1,500 miles away from his kids (which doesn’t sound good.) When Jane or anyone else on the show mentions him, I think of the default Facebook avatar, which is a picture of a human head. Why should I treat this information as anything other than wild rumours?

To me, Jane’s announcement of a woman in Orange County having a relationship on a national stage is actually more surprising than the introduction. However, Tamrat wants Jane to share with the team all the interesting details about her and Ryan’s origins as a couple. In terms of production, Gen must be. Be as open as possible considering her family situation. However, Tamra also doesn’t seem to love Jane as much as we were initially led to believe.

When “Friends” meet at the now-defunct Cut Fitness, we learn that Tamra and Jane once had a rift in their friendship. Apparently, Tamra learned about it from Jen’s boyfriend, Ryan, while they were on vacation together, putting her and Eddie in an awkward situation. Jane says she left Tamra when everything in her marriage went quietly. At the moment, Jane thinks everything is fixed between them. However, you of all people don’t want to give Tamra an ounce to use against you—as we’ll see later in the episode.

Before that, of course, we have to meet the other girls who have some fun, starting with Ms. Dubrow. At first, I was worried that Heather’s entire storyline this season would revolve around her twins leaving the nest. But luckily, Taylor commits herself to pursuing Heather, engaging her dreams as a D-list actress. This is exactly the kind of low-stakes showbiz drama I want to see Heather explore. Reminds me of her beef with Alexis Bellino in an episode. Malibu country.

Last episode, Taylor asked Heather for some acting advice for a sketch movie she’s filming in Oklahoma (I love how often Oklahoma comes up in this franchise), and Heather happily agreed. However, when Heather shows up at Taylor’s house, she is easily available. Look Taylor receives acting lessons from another teacher. It’s actually quite rude, considering Heather wore charcoal for the event.

More surprisingly, we learn that Taylor offered Heather a role in her film, which Heather took as a joke and drunkenly agreed to. Turns out Taylor is dead serious and they sent her a video of the set of “The Office” because this production doesn’t have a trailer. I love how unprofessional Taylor is making good on this opportunity. She is a worse actress than Alexis was as a news anchor.

Meanwhile, Emily worries about being a stay-at-home mom now that her husband, Shane, has finally joined the workforce. I find the whole “busy mom” storyline on these shows to be tiresome. But something about Emily is so real and refreshing, especially how she talks about her issues with her mother, who suffers from mental health issues.

Emily’s domestic scenes are more appealing than watching Gina and her boyfriend Travis learn to get real estate licenses because they now want to sell houses. I don’t mean poor-shaming (or middle-class-shaming). But I don’t like schtick that can be matched by Gina. If you’re going to start a venture, I’d like it to be something unrealistic and ridiculous, like a She by Sheree or Taylor film project that probably won’t come to fruition. I don’t want to see a real housewife doing something with my friends when we don’t need a job after college. Make a wig line, doll patent!

Anyway, this episode ends with a farewell party for Cut Fitness where everyone gets emotional about the gym they only visited during filming. Jane is trying her best to pretend she has an emotional connection to this place as a former member. I wouldn’t even believe her mouth if she exercised.

This is when Jane finds out that she’s a prime target this season and that she’s not going to sail away being all sweet and zen. First, Gina confronted her about the Instagram reel she posted the day before, celebrating that her yoga studio was still up and running. Gina asks if this is a shadow on Miracle and Jane looks really confused. She said she was simply copying some Tik Tok trends as her studio was trying to grow their social media activities. Tamra hears this and starts questioning Jane, who eventually apologizes for the bad timing. Although, I’m sure Jane could have made this post two years later, and Tamra would be salty about it.

At night, the girls revisit Jane and Ryan’s affair. Emily realizes it’s not just emotional (Tamra obviously told her something) and presses Jane to reveal more information. When Jane says they were never physical, Tamra confronts her and tells Jane to tell the truth. In a confessional, she says that she found out about Jane and Ryan while Jane’s ex-husband was hooking up in her car. Unfortunately, none of them have been able to crack Jane yet.

Meanwhile, Gina is talking to Travis about Jane in her creepy way and asking why the team tolerates her infidelity. (What’s she supposed to do, stone her?) In a confessional, Gina says that she’s taking Jane’s case because she was cheated on by her ex-husband. To this I say, you’re on Bravo, grow up!

Looking at next week’s preview, it looks like Jane will be a trigger for a lot of people, including Shannon. We see the woman react to the news that Ryan is cheating. Are you sure ??

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