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Jersey Shore star Jenn Harley is expecting a new addition to her family. She recently revealed that she has been 7 months pregnant, and expecting her 3rd child in October. This will also be her first child with her boyfriend, Joe Ambrosole. She also revealed to the world that she’s been on her sober journey for the last 2 years. Here’s what we know.

Jenn Harley is pregnant with her 3rd child

On August 7, the Jersey Shore star revealed that she is several months pregnant with her third child. and her first with her current boyfriend friend Ambrosole. According to the 36-year-old that spoke to US Sun, she wanted to “pull a Kylie” by keeping her pregnancy a secret. Surprisingly, she disclosed that she had been sober for a whole year before becoming pregnant. While over the last 7 months of pregnancy, she has remained alcohol-free, effectively achieving almost two years of sobriety. Jenn openly admitted to missing her occasional night glass of wine, but she feels positive about her choice. She said, “I mean, after a while you just don’t think about it. And, you know, it just doesn’t even sound appetizing or anything to you.”

Jenn Harley’s journey towards sobriety 

For MTV viewers, Harley’s most memorable or rather infamous fights with other cast members often arose when she was drunk. Back in June 2021, she faced an arrest for domestic battery in Las Vegas, involving a heated clash with her 35-year-old boyfriend. As per the police report obtained by US Sun highlighted that their argument revolved around Harley’s alcohol consumption. 

Shortly after, she entered a rehab facility in Las Vegas to address her alcoholism, the businesswoman and Ambrosole briefly broke up for a few months before reconciling. The Jersey Shore star explained the positive impact sobriety had on their on-and-off relationship, saying, “Well us being sober helps a lot. Like not drinking, not going out, not being in the party scene. That had a huge damper on our relationship and especially with my past relationships as well.”

She explained that when both people in a relationship are dependent on alcohol and are heavily into partying then it’s only bound to create “chaos.” Harley continued, “without any of that, everything’s like calm and normal and how it should be..”
